Our body is our protector

When things happen to us, they happen to ALL of us. When we are angry, our entire body experiences it! When we are excited, happy, scared, anxious, stressed....we KNOW it, and most importantly your body knows it! If what is coming in/what we are experiencing is too difficult (scary, hard, stressful, unsafe, harmful - either in single events, or over time, i.e. developmentally), our bodies try to protect us so that we don't hurt again (or not as much the next time). Our brain is wired for this...it's for our SURVIVAL, and for that, we can be thankful!

Until it becomes our shield/wall

BUT...if the event/events are too stressful, or happen for an extended duration/pervasively, we become disconnected from our bodies, and thus cut off from its' wisdom and healing potential. How many times have you "known" what the correct response/action/thought should be, but you DO something different? Sometimes, you regret it later, but you feel out of control. "I KNOW I should feel safe here, but I don't!! I KNOW I should trust this person, but I can't!" Unexpressed/unresolved defensive energy is trapped in your body, your nervous system, and in the limiting beliefs about yourself. You don’t feel SAFE (even though your rational mind might know that you are)....in your own skin, in your body, in your relationships, in your life…fill in the blank. Your body-brain believes that those unresolved traumatic events are still happening to you. You are literally stuck in the past. 

But it knows the way out

The important thing to remember is the body is resilient, and wants very much to heal!! We just have to give it a little nudge and support. It's kind of like detoxing....our bodies do a great job on their own most of the time, unless it's too much...then we need a little help to get things running smoothly again! Same goes for trauma....but once we give it the support it needs, you will begin to emerge out of the stuckness into freedom and possibility! 

I am here to provide the time, space and support needed to reconnect with yourself, your freedom, and your heart.